Day 78: As Always

Aditi Sarawagi
1 min readApr 5, 2021

The 100 Day Writing Project

Two simple words. They come together to form the most beautiful phrase-as always. Signifying the presence of something or someone or some moment, not only in your past, but in your presence and the always signifies that it will continue forever, that it’s always going to be there and not change.

Change is something which humans always fear-and something as simple as “ as always”, brings such warmth and joy in my heart-showing me, paving the way for me to believe, that no matter what, some things will never change. Some friendships, some moments, some memories, some relationships, will never change. Friends, family, acquaintances-there will always be those who hold a special place in your heart and that will never change.

To think, you once considered this impossible, but now you believe that it indeed was ‘wonderful meeting you, as always’. And it will always be so.



Aditi Sarawagi

Scribbler. Guitar Player. Dreamer. Believer. Writer.