Day 75: Procrastination 101

The 100 Day Writing Project

Aditi Sarawagi
1 min readMar 30, 2021

Some days just melt into each other. There is so much to be done and so much you can do but all you want to do is collapse in the arms of your beckoning bed. I often wonder, does procrastination originate within oneself on its own or does it have its origins in our circumstances or what surrounds us? Sometimes we curse ourselves and die under the ‘procrastination guilt’ as I call it because somewhere deep in our hearts we know what we are capable of, and not acting upon it makes guilt and self-repulsiveness inherent in our nature.

And some days lead me to wonder if things and people around us, if our circumstances were better, would be better? Or is this just a lazy person’s excuse? Or if the work we are to do were more interesting, absorbing, if we felt more passionately for it, would then procrastination 101 not hold itself up? Clarity of thought it is then, is what I always come down to, as the ultimate solution to end this curse-knowing what we want to achieve, what we might lose, and the passion to do it along with good health of course, is what is going to make us pick ourselves up and do what we know will benefit us(mostly, but not always). Deciding upon a clear path and and having clear, achievable, succinct goals will end the procrastination game.

That is why my friends, writing is sometimes also cathartic.



Aditi Sarawagi

Scribbler. Guitar Player. Dreamer. Believer. Writer.